Ashampoo Photograph Commander

Different sentiment modes for photograph collections  Ashampoo Photo Commander
mß.Klfha mska;+r l<uKdlrKhg fyd|u uDÿldx.hla¡

.+.,a wdh;kfha msldid uDÿldx.hg fnfyúka iudk kuq;a Bg jvd jeäoshqKq jQ f*dfgda uefkac¾ uDÿldx.hla f,i wmg fuh

yÿkajdfokak mq¨jka¡ m%Odk jYfhka mß.Klfha we;s ish¿u mska;+r fuu uDÿldx.fhka n,d wod, täáka jev lsÍug;a wmsg wjYH kï wod, f*dfgda wod, f*da,av¾ ;=,g f,aisfhkau cut, copy, past lsÍug;a, my; ld¾hhka fï u.ska lr.kak mq¨jka¡
  • Frame-Center: Design together with impress greeting cards
  • Export images to PDF
  • Create HTML albums
  • Create slideshows
  • Create together with impress photograph calendars
  • Create photograph collages
  • Add frames to images
  • Create panorama photos
  • Create photograph mixes
  • Create TIFF files from multiple images
  • Burn photos to CD, DVD or Blu-ray
  • Email photos
  • Different sentiment modes (miniature, cinema strip etc.)
  • Filter files yesteryear several criteria (e.g. solely JPGs)
  • Integrated video together with well playback
  • Create virtual photograph albums
  • Tag photos amongst custom keywords
  • Different sentiment modes for photograph collections (file explorer, album or calendar)
  • Batch processing, e.g. convert multiple images into a unlike format
  • Find duplicates together with icon look-a-likes
  • Fullscreen sentiment for photos together with videos
  • Scan photos
  • Batch processing, e.g. employ effects to together with rotate multiple images
  • Adjust contrast, brightness, saturation, temperature together with gamma settings
  • Adjust size, crop, rotate or straighten images
  • Automatically or manually take cherry eyes
  • Miniaturization final result to usage miniature photos
  • Clone areas
  • Straighten photograph horizons
  • Accelerated photograph browsing
fujeks jev f.dvla fkdñf,au fuu uDÿldx.fhka myiqfjka lr.kak mq¨jka¡ f*dfgda.%e*s isÿlrK whg fï uDÿldx.h f.dvla m%fhdackj;a fjkjd¡ fuh fu;kska msúi nd.kak¡

ial%SkafYdÜ n,kak¡

Technical Details

  • Software Name : Ashampoo Photo Commander
  • File size : 156 Mb
  • Requirements : Windows All
  • License : Free
  • Publisher website :