Learn English Inwards Sinhala - Lesson 04

Can Could May Might Must Ought Should Would Learn English linguistic communication inwards Sinhala - Lesson 04

Tkak wo;a iqmqreÿ mßÈ w¨‍;a'com bx.%Sis mdvu f.kdjd' miq.sh mdvï jf.au fï mdvu;a fydÈka n,d.kak, fo;=ka mdrla yß lshj,d yß wjfndaOfhka hq;=j'

wo wms bf.k .kafka ;j;a ir, English  mdvula' ta ;uhs Auxiliary verbs

wms jdlH ,shoa§ fïjd wksjd¾hfhkau ´ks' ta ksid fïjg wms helping verbs" helper verbs lsh,;a lshkjd' wms m%:ufhka n,uq Auxiliary verbs lshkafka fudkjo lsh,d'
Definition (f;areu) = wka;¾jdlHhl jhdlrkuh f;areula fyda lD;H;aul ^functional& f;areula tl;= lsÍug fhdod .kakd jpk fufia yÿkajhs' jHldrkuh f;areula lsh, uka woyia lf¾ ld,fNaoh" o¾Ykh" m%ldr;dj" iajrh jeks foaj,a lshjkakg f;areï .kakkï wksjd¾hfhkau Auxiliary verbs wjYHuhs lshk tlhs' ks;ru fuh Ndú; lrkafka main verb tl;a tlaluhs'

wms WodyrK álla n,uq'

lshkafka fmdÿ Auxiliary verbs 3la'

1)  I am leaving =  leaving  lshkafka main verb tl am lshkafka Auxiliary verb tl. 
2)  She has arrived = arrived lshkafka main verb tl , has lshkafka Auxiliary verb tl.
3)  Do yous fume =  smoke lshkafka main verb tl , Do lshkafka Auxiliary verb tl.

DO  lshk tl wms fmdÿfõ m%Yak yokak;a jdlHl ke; hk w¾:h fok jdlH yokak;a fhdod .kakjd' DO yd DOES lshk foflau w;S; ld, iajrEmh fmkaùug DID fhdod .kakjd' fïjd kï bf.k .kak mq¿jka fjkafka WodyrK j,skau ;uhs¡ uka WodyrK lshkakï' Thd,d f;areï .kak fo;=kajrla lshj,d¡

j‍‍hjyrfha mj;akd jdlHh
(in statements)
  • I produce my homework.
  • You produce the laundry.
  • We produce the washing up 
  • They produce yoga.
  • He does the work
  • She does the cleaning.
m%Yak weiSfï§' (in Questions)

1) Do I know yous ?
2) Do yous alive hither ?
3) Do nosotros accept fourth dimension ?
4) Do they come upwardly from Vietnam ?
5) Does she stimulate the machine ?
6) Does he ready the repast ?

ke; hk w¾:h fok jdlH j,§ ( inwards Negative shape )
  • I produce non (I don’t)
  • You produce non (You don’t)
  • She does non (She doesn’t)
  • They produce non (They don’t)

Be = is, am, are, was, were

Be lshk jpkh Auxiliary verb  tlla fukau main verb  f,i;a wmsg fhdod .kak mq¿jka' Be lshk tl Passive Voice jdlH ;ekSug;a fhdod .kak mq¿jka '

is lshk jpkh oeka isÿ fjk fohla úia;r lrkak;a wkd.f;a§ wksjd¾fhka isÿ fjk fohla .ek lshkak;a fhdod .kak mq¿jka' are   lshk Auxiliary verb  tl fhdod .kafka they" we  iu.hs. am yd is lshk fofla w;S;h ioyd was fhdod .kakjd. you" we iy they lshk subject j,§ wms were Ndú;d lrkjd'

j‍‍hjyrfha mj;akd jdlHh (in statements)
1) You are Sri Lankan / yous were my best friend
2) We are waiting  / nosotros were waiting
3) They are excited  / they were excited
4) He / she is cool  / he/ she was cool

m%Yak weiSfï§ (in Questions)
1) Am I inwards the correct identify ?
2) Are yous my novel boss ?
3) Are nosotros close ?
4) Are they the best players inwards the squad ?
5) Is She / He is onetime plenty ?

ke; hk w¾:h fok jdlH j,§ (in Negative form)
  • I am non (I aren’t) / I was non (I wasn’t)
  • You are non (You aren’t)
  • We are non (We aren’t)
  • They are non (They aren’t) / They were non (They weren’t)
  • He / She is non (He / She isn’t)
Have = Has / Had
  • Have Ndú;d lrkafka Present perfect tense j,g.
  •  Has Ndú;d lrkafka tal jpk tajdg.
  •  Had  Ndú;d lrkafka Past perfect tense j,g

j‍‍hjyrfha mj;akd jdlHh (in statements)
  • I accept a dog 
  • You accept a girlfriend
  • They had a journey
  • He / She has a dog
  • Kamal had a problem

ke; hk w¾:h fok jdlH j,§ (in Negative form)
  • I accept non (I haven’t)
  • We had non (We hadn’t)
  • She has not
  •  He had not
  • They accept non

wks;a Auxiliary verbs lsysmhla kï Can Could May Might Must Ought Should Would' fïjg wms Modal Verbs lsh,;a lshkjd' fïjd wms Ndú;d lrkafka wjYHfhka l< hq;a;la" l<yels foahla$ úh yels ^Possibility&" wjYH;djla ^Necessity& fmkaùughs'

1) Jack is belatedly , he mightiness last sleeping. (úh yels)
2) I should construct clean my room today. (wjYHfhka l< hq;a;la)
3) I must vesture a necktie to school. (wjYH;djla)

wo mdvu álla wudrehs jf.a ysf;hs t;a wudre kE' Tkak jdlH ,shk uq,O¾u lshd ÿkak lsh, ys;kak tmd' wms All Tenses miafia bf.k.uq' Thd,g fuu mdvï ud,dfõ§ f;afrkafka ke;s hï .eg¿jla tfyu ;sfhkï my;ska odkak;a mq¨‍jka'