Learn English Inward Sinhala - Lesson 12

something started inwards the past times together with has continued upward until instantly Learn English linguistic communication inwards sinhala - lesson 12
hdÆjfka wo wms bf.k .kafka Present Perfect continuous Tense tlhs.
ta lshkafka w;S;fha mgka wrka oeka iq¿ fudfyd;lg l,skq;a mej;=kq fyda oeka bjr WKq fohla lshkak something started inwards the past times together with has continued upward until now, we;af;kau hdÆjfka fï Tense j,g isxyf,ka f;areula fokak b;du;a wudrehs.
 "For 5 minutes," "for 2 weeks," together with "since Tuesday" are all duration
ld, jljdkq fmkajk jdlH ldKav yd jpk )

wms iqmqreÿ mßÈ  table tflkau bf.k .uq'
Th fld< mdáka ;sfhkafka Bfha jf.au Present Perfect continuous wÿr.kak mq¿jka jpk álla' Bg miafia  ;Srefõ ;sfhkafka Present Perfect Continuous tense  j, uses Bg miafia ;sfhkafka fhfok úÈh yd WodyrKhs'

wms fïjfha uses Bfha jf.a fjk fjku point shape tflkq;a bf.k .uq'

1) .
w;S;fha isg oeka fjklka WKq fohla .ek lSug.
( Duration from the Past Until Now )

WodyrK j,ska f;areï .kak"

They bring been talking for the end hour. -
thd,d miq.sh mefha l;d lrñka bo,d ;shkjd'

She has been working at that fellowship for 3 years. -
weh tu jevmf,ys jir 3la jev lr ;sfhkjd'

What bring yous been doing for the end xxx minutes ?
Th .sh úkdä xxx fudkjo lf¾ @

James has been didactics at the academy since June. -
James úYaj úoHd,fha b.ekakqjd .sh cqks fjklka'

We bring been waiting  hither for over 2 hours. -
wms meh 2 lg jvd n,ka ysáhd'

wu;r oekqu i|yd ...,

Thd,d English Films n,kjd fkao@ English Songs wykjd fkao@ ks;ru isxy, Wmis/is iys;j English Films n,kak' t;fldg wfma Pronunciations yßhkjd'

English Songs wyoa§ Lyrics tlal ;sfhk video nd.kak' Mp3 songs j, Lyrics player tflkau vjqkaf,daâ lrkak mqÆjka' ke;a;ï fjí ihsÜ j,ska .kak;a mqÆjka' t;fldg iskaÿj wyoa§ Lyrics n,ka Thd,;a lshkak mqÆjka Thd,g English yeisrùu yqre fjkjd' wksjd¾fhka ´fk fohla bf.k .kakjd kï tal ndú;fha ;sfhkak ´fka ke;a;ï wu;l fjk bvlv jeähs'