Learn English Inward Sinhala - Lesson 09

much to a greater extent than to brand jail cellphone telephone calls inward the yesteryear Learn English linguistic communication inward sinhala - lesson 09
yß wms oeka wo 9 fjks mdvu n,uq' wo;a Tenses  ;uhs' yenehs Topic tl fjkia' wo wms w;S;h .ek " Simple Past Tense " .ek l;d lrkafka'

fuys§ wmsg l%shdjl w;S;ld, moh fydÈka u;lfha ;sîu wksjd¾hhs' tlfka wms Thd,g biafi,a,du wr jpk 100 l j.=jla ÿkafka' fuys§ fjkafk;a iq¿ fohla' ta lsõfõ wms subject tl oeïud" past form tl oeïu verb tl úÈhg" ke;fyd;a iuyr jpk j,kï j¾;udkld, mohgu ed tl;= lrkjd' tÉprhs' fï fÜn,a tl n,kak'

Th fld< mdáka ;sfhkafka Bfha jf.au is mdiaÜ  wÿr.kak mq¿jka jpk álla' Bg miafia ;Srefõ ;sfhkafka Simple yesteryear tense j, uses  Bg miafia ;sfhkafka fhfok úÈh yd  WodyrKhs' wms fïjfha uses  Bfha jf.a fjk fjku point form tflkq;a bf.k.uq'

01). iïmQ¾Kfhkau ksujQ fohla .ek l;d lsÍug'

uu Film tlla ne¨‍jd' tl oeka fj,d bjrhs' wkak t;k§ wms use lrkafka simple yesteryear tense'

WodyrK j,ska f;areï .kak"
  • saw a motion-picture present yesterday.
  • didn't see a play yesterday.
  • Last year, I traveled to Japan.
  • Last year, I didn't travel to Korea.
  • Did you have dinner final night?
  • She washed her car.
  • He didn't wash his car.

02). tl È.g isÿ jQ isoaÈhla lSug'

WodyrK j,ska f;areï .kak"

  • I finished work, walked to the beach, and found a dainty house to swim.
  • He arrived from the airdrome at 8:00, checked into the hotel at 9:00, and met the others at 10:00.
  • Did you add flour, pour in the milk, too then add the eggs?

03). w;S; ld, jljdkqjl§ l, fohla lSug'

WodyrK j,ska f;areï .kak"

  • lived in Brazil for 2 years.
  • Shauna studied Japanese for v years.
  • They sat at the beach all day.
  • They did non stay at the political party the entire time.
  • We talked on the telephone for 30 minutes.
  • A: How long did you wait for them?
    B: We waited for 1 hour.

04). w;S;fha§ È.gu lrk wdmq kuq;a oeka fkdlrk foaj,a lSug'

WodyrK j,ska f;areï .kak"

  • She was shy equally a child, exactly straightaway she is really outgoing.
  • He didn't like tomatoes before.
  • Did you live in Texas when you were a kid?
  • People paid much to a greater extent than to brand jail cellphone telephone calls inward the past.
Tkak hd¿jfka wog mdvu wjidkhs' fï mdvï ish,a,u fydÈka n,kak Thdg wksjd¾fhka bx.%Sis bf.k.kak mq¨‍jka'