Enable The Administrator Describe Of Piece Of Job Concern Human Relationship On Windows Seven ,8

Remember to operate ascendence prompt equally administrator Enable the Administrator Account on Windows vii ,8
mß.Klfha kshu weâñka 
^ whs;sldrhd & fjkafka fufyuhs'
Thd, okafka ke;sj we;s Thdf.a pc tfla Real Admin Thd fkdjk j. Thdu weâñka fjkak wdihs fka @

úkafvdaia vii wh fukak fï my; úÈhg lrkak'

Control panel > Administrative Tools >Local Policy > Security Options > Accounts oelalo tyd me;af; Administrator trouble concern human relationship condition tl Disable lsh, ;shkjd'

 tal Wv double click or correct click lr, enable lr.kak'

 oeka b;sx Thursday bkak wljqkaÜ tflka switch user log off lr,d yß n¨‍jkï fmfkhs t<sfhka Administrator lsh, account tlla ;sfhkjd¡

fïl Thd,g CMD tflka lrkak;a mq¨jka fukak n,kak ùäfhdaj¡

  • net user administrator /active:yes (for enabling)
  • net user administrator /active:no (for disabling)
Remember to operate ascendence prompt equally administrator.

úkafvdaia 8 wh fukak fï my; úÈhg lrkak'

Control panel > Administrative Tools > Local Security Policies > Local Policy > Security Options > Accounts ;uhs Win 8 j,g yßhkafk'

n,kak ùäfhdaj'