Cpu-Z Organization & Hardware Data Software

 CPU-Z System & Hardware information softwareThdf.a mß.Klfha ish¿u úia;r n,d.kak mq¨jka uDÿldx.hla¡

ujqmqjrefõ iy mß.Klfha ia:dmkh lr we;s fufyhqï moaO;sfha úia;r fuys o¾Ykh lrhs¡

fuu uDÿldx.fha ku CPU-Z mß.Klfha /ï tl ,.%e*sla ldâ úia;r CPU úia;r jf.au,

  • Name together with number.
  • Core stepping together with process.
  • Package.
  • Core voltage.
  • Internal together with external clocks, clock multiplier.
  • Supported educational activity sets.
  • Cache information.
  • Vendor, model together with revision.
  • BIOS model together with date.
  • Chipset ( north-bridge together with south-bridge ) together with sensor.
  • Graphic interface.
  • Frequency together with timings.
  • Module(s) specification using SPD (Serial Presence Detect) : vendor, series number, timings table.
  • Windows together with DirectX version.
iuyr fj,djg w¨f;ka /ï tlla .kak fyda ùÔta ldâ tlla .kak ujq mqjrefõ úia;r yÿk.kak fjkjd¡ t;fldg fï uDÿldx.h m%fhdackhg .kak mq¨jka
¡ v%hsjia tfyu fydh,d od.kak ´fka fj,djg wod, fldgfia úia;r n,kak;a fïl lshdmq uDÿldx.hla¡

n,kak ial%SkafYdÜ tlla¡

fu;kska msúi fuu uDÿldx.h nd.kak¡

Technical Details

  • Software Name :  CPU-Z
  • File size : v MB
  • Requirements : Windows xp / Vista / Windows vii / Windows 8
  • License : Free
  • Publisher website :  www.cpuid.com